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Services > Weed Control

Grassroots has a Weed Control program that can take care of those pesky weeds that pop-up and distract from the appearance of your turf variety. The lawn analysis is the first step where we walk through your property and evaluate variables like pest variety, soil condition, grass type, and lawn usage in order to develop a customized plan providing the key services needed throughout the year. We offer multiple service contracts, so fill out our request form and let us know how we can help!


This process is performed in a spring, summer, and fall application to keep those weeds from ever showing up in the first place. A proper service program incorporates the use of pre-emergents so that over time there are fewer pests to deal with, and less competition for your turfgrass root system.


Post-emergents are used where there is already a population of weed varieties in your turf grass. The weeds are eradicated with selective herbicides targeting your problem areas, leaving your lawn weed free and looking great!


Every lawn will require fertilization to encourage growth above and below the dirt line. This helps keep and improve the color, thickness, and viability of your turf type, and will also aid in weed control.


Over time lawn areas get compacted, or are too dense for a healthy stand of turf. We can aerate to ensure nutrient, and oxygen are getting to the lawns root system.


Some areas will require over seeding to fill in the bare spots, and keep a healthy dense lawn. We can broadcast over seed, drill seed, or aerate and over seed your lawn.

Grub Control

Those pesky Moles, they should just go away! Grub control will aid in handling a mole infestation, as well as eleviate a pest that likes to eat your turf grass root system.

Lawn Mowing
Weed Control
Landscape Beds